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These Are The 40 Labour MPs Who Voted Against A Public Inquiry Into JeanPaul Sofia’s Death

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Malta is currently undergoing what can be arguably referred to as one of the strongest and most united reactions to the latest controversial decision taken by the Labour government.

Labour MPs are currently facing nationwide backlash, after they unanimously voted against the motion to open a public inquiry into construction victim JeanPaul Sofia’s death.

The vote resulted in 40 against, and 32 in favour, with all of the Labour Party members, including Prime Minister Robert Abela, voting against. 

Here’s a breakdown of all the Labour MPs who voted against a public inquiry into Sofia’s death – which many are saying, was a vote against justice:

1. Robert Abela

2. Chris Fearne

3. Ian Borg

4. Silvio Schembri

5. Owen Bonnici

6. Miriam Dalli

7. Aaron Farrugia

8. Clayton Bartolo

9. Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi

10. Byron Camilleri

11. Jonathan Attard

12. Clifton Grima

13. Roderick Galdes

14. Anton Refalo

15. Michael Falzon

16. Julia Farrugia Portelli

17. Randolph DeBattista

18. Alex Muscat

19. Cressida Galea

20. Glenn Bedingfield

21. Rebecca Buttigieg

22. Alicia Bugeja Said

23. Jo Etienne Abela

24. Ray Abela

25. Chris Agius

26. Carmelo Abela

27. Andy Ellul

28. Malcolm Paul Agius Galea

29. Chris Bonnett

30. Keith Azzopardi Tanti

31. Deo Debattista

32. Katya De Giovanni

33. Abigail Camilleri

34. Michael Farrugia

35. Naomi Cachia

36. Edward Zammit Lewis 

37. Omar Farrugia

38. Alison Zerafa Civelli

39. Davina Sammut Hili

40. Amanda Spiteri Grech

Meanwhile, all members of the Nationalist Party who were present, voted in favour of the motion, totalling 32 votes in favour. 

Chris Said, Ivan J Bartolo, and Graham Bencini were not in attendance, but the Nationalist Party whip, Robert Cutajar, stated that they had expressed their support for the opposition’s motion.

From the government’s benches, Romilda Zarb, Clyde Caruana, and Clint Camilleri were not present. And Former Labour MP – now Independent MP – Rosianne Cutajar left shortly before the vote. It is unclear why she decided to not register her vote.

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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