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‘This Isn’t Racism’: Daughter Of Woman In Buġibba Balcony ‘Go Back Your Country’ Rant Gives Her Side Of The Story

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A woman whose mother was caught in the centre of a viral video in which she screamed at patrons of a Buġibba bar to “go back to their country” has given her side of the story.

The woman, who asked to remain anonymous, said she was trying to get home when she found the entry to her garage blocked by a car that was parked right outside it.

“I honked three times and people at the nearby bar made a whole scene and began teasing me and making rude signs,” she told Lovin Malta. “They were drunk and apparently I was disturbing them.”

Her mother then appeared on the balcony and started shouting at the bar patrons, as can be seen in the video.

“You’re stupid people, that’s what you are, from another country. Go back to your country, we don’t need foolish people like you,” the mother said.

“Shut up you fool. You think we don’t know how to speak like you? You don’t know how to speak like us… but we are intelligent people not like you, you’re stupid, go away, go away… don’t like that, you are rubbish, that’s why you talk like that.”

When another person chimed in, she turned her glare on her, calling the woman maħmuga (dirty woman).

The daughter denied suggestions that her mother’s rant was an act of racism, arguing that she was targeting those specific people, and not foreign nationals in general.

“My mother didn’t comment about all foreigners… she actually used to work with tourists at a hotel.”

She said she cannot remember exactly what the patrons told her as the scene was too chaotic.

“When I saw my family in that state, I couldn’t concentrate. I was in the middle of the road, with the entrance to my garage blocked, cars approaching from both directions and me in the middle.”

She said this was by no means the first time someone illegally parked outside her garage.

“Once someone parked outside, lost the car key and kept the car parked outside the whole night, which meant I couldn’t even drive out of my own garage. These things happen all the time.”

Has someone ever told you to ‘go back to your country’?

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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