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Tonight: Malta’s MPs Vote On Historic Abortion Bill

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Malta’s MPs are set to make a historic vote today that will determine whether abortion is legal if the pregnant woman is at risk of dying.

Bill No. 28, while moving Malta away from being one of the last countries on the planet to ban abortion, has been criticised by pro-choice activists for its revisions after it was first presented.

They say it is a washed-down version of the original which may not protect women from death’s door.

Today, feminist activist and prominent lawyer Lara Dimitrijevic scolded the amendments, calling out the Labour government for hypocrisy.

“In 2022, the Labour government took a historic step by including the concept of femicide in the law. They said Malta has no room for misogyny, and that the patriarchy does not only harm women but society,” she wrote on social media.

“Fast forward to June 2022, and they have let an ultra-conservative minority amend an already restrictive abortion proposal. The mind boggles”

This evening’s vote will see whether the bill becomes codified in the law or if it’s back to the drawing board.

The original version of Bill 28 stated that a doctor could legally terminate a pregnancy when there is a medical complication that puts the health of a pregnant woman in grave jeopardy.

Now, the bill says that pregnancy can only be terminated if the woman’s health is in grave jeopardy which can lead to death.

Pro-life activists said the amendments serve to protect the life of the foetus, while allegations circled that the President put pressure for a revision, warning he wouldn’t sign the law as it was originally presented.

Follow Lovin Malta this evening for live updates on the vote.

Cover photo: Pro-choice activists outside Parliament 

What do you make of Bill 28?

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Sam is a journalist, artist and writer based in Malta. Send her pictures of hands or need-to-know stories on politics or art on [email protected].

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