Tourist Who Suffered Pregnancy Problems In Malta ‘Denied Abortion As She Is Not Dying’

Pro-choice medical group Doctors for Choice has criticised the Maltese authorities for denying an American tourist an abortion after she suffered pregnancy problems.
Doctors for Choice said the woman, who is 16 weeks pregnant, attended Gozo’s A&E and was later admitted to Mater Dei after suffering what appeared to be a miscarriage, with heavy bleeding and breaking waters.
They said an ultrasound later showed ruptured membranes and a detaching placenta although the foetus still has a heartbeat.
“International obstetric guidelines state that in such cases where the fetus is not yet viable (before 24 weeks), termination of pregnancy (ie: abortion) should be offered to avoid the risk of maternal infection and death,” Doctors for Choice said.

“Infection can go through the ruptured membranes, into the uterus, then into the blood leading to death.”
“The patient has requested termination of pregnancy, but her request was denied. She was told doctors can only intervene if she is imminently dying – not even getting an infection is enough. She was also told doctors cannot even discuss the option of abortion with her.”
“The patient is now being forced to watch and wait at Mater Dei, putting her life at risk.”
Doctors for Choice said the tourist is in a desperate state and is currently seeking medical evacuation to the UK, but is concerned it might not arrive in time.
“They want their story made public in the hope of avoiding a tragedy…. we do not want to have a case like Savita’s,” the NGO said, referring to the case of Savita Halappanavar, who died from sepsis in Ireland in 2012 after her request for an abortion was denied.
Ireland has since legalised abortion, while Malta has remained the only EU member state to prohibit it entirely, with both PL and PN opposing a change in the law. However, ADPD has recently come out in favour of decriminalisaing abortion.
“We hope common sense prevails and this woman is allowed to have a termination before it is too late,” Doctors for Choice said. “We have also heard from Maltese women who were in similar situations but were scared to speak out. This is not right. Women have beating hearts too.”
Following this latest case, activist group Young Progressive Beings announced it will demonstrate outside Parliament this evening to call for the decriminalisation of abortion, urging people interested in the cause to join them.
Cover photo: A recent protest outside court calling for the decriminalisation of abortion (Photo: Doctors for Choice)
Should Malta decriminalise abortion?