Twelve Maltese Establishments Fined So Far For Breaking New COVID-19 Precautions

Malta Tourism Authority’s Compliance and Regulatory Directorate has, over the past week, carried out over 500 inspections at various establishments and organised events to ascertain that there is compliance to the COVID-19 regulations that were stated in last week’s Legal Notice.
“Twelve establishments were found in breach of published protocols and will be subject to further legal action,” said the MTA in their recent statement.
MTA’s Compliance and Regulatory Directorate was entrusted with conducting these checks to confirm that the published standards for gatherings and events are being adhered to. Following the submission of a risk assessment and its subsequent approval by the MTA and the Health Authorities, events are randomly inspected by MTA officials.
The list of establishments that fall under the criteria for these checks include: weddings, festivals, concerts, exhibitions, clubs (even though these are not licensed by the MTA), collective accommodation (such as hotels and guest houses), holiday furnished premises, catering establishments (including restaurants, snack bars and pubs), beaches, beach establishments and beach concessions.
These are mainly in connection with the set of protocols issued for the re-opening of Malta’s tourism infrastructure.
MTA will continue with these checks in the coming days to make sure that protocol is being followed across the Maltese Islands. Anyone who encounters breaches of the regulations is asked to contact MTA either through their helpline 21692447 or their email [email protected].
Tell us what you think of these breaches in the comments!