Vaccine Not Mandatory And Virtual Lessons Not Excluded: New School Protocols For Malta Announced

The new protocols in connection with the opening of the 2021/2022 scholastic year in Malta have been announced by Education Minister Justyne Caruana.
Virtual lessons are not being excluded, and practical lessons such as Physical Education (PE) as well as fieldwork and lab work are set to be permitted under the concept of social bubbles. PE equipment must be sanitised regularly.
Vaccines against the COVID-19 virus will not be mandatory for students or staff, with Caruana saying “no discrimination” can be made across the board.
Students will need to wear face masks in class, whether they are vaccinated or not.
Students in Year 8 and below will need to sit 1.5m apart while those in Year 9 and above will have to keep their desks 1m apart.
Tuck shops can be opened but can only sell pre-packaged items. Parents will not be allowed to enter events or activities inside the school, however this might change if restrictions continue to ease.
School assembly can be held with social distancing and respecting social bubbles.
Discussions are still being held regards graduation ceremonies.
Vulnerable students and staff can return physically to school as the nationwide vaccine process was successful, Caruana said, as new protocols for shielding vulnerable individuals will be rolled out.
The protocols came after discussions with parents, tertiary education experts as well as representatives from Malta’s university, private schools and church schools. The full list of protocols will be uploaded on the official Education Ministry website.
Schools are set to reopen on 28th September.
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