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‘Violated’ Religious Shrine In Sliema To Be Restored And Reinstalled

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A religious shrine that collapsed after a wall holding it up was demolished during renovation works is being restored.

“The Department of Inspections and Enforcement within the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) visited the site in Sliema and spoke with the persons concerned where it was ascertained that the holy picture and its wooden container is being stored as indicated,” the authority said in reference to a photo of the shrine after being removed from the debris and rubble.

“This shrine will be restored and will be put back in its place once the wall is rebuilt.”

The shrine, dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, had collapsed during a renovation project by St Joseph School which extends towards Tower Lane.

The Sliema Local Council had condemned the “unfortunate destruction of a wall which for many years held a shrine” following the collapse.

Online, people did not react well to the shrine’s collapse.

One person said it didn’t matter if they put the wall back up as “it’s too late now, the shrine has forever been violated”.

Another simply said: “What a disgrace. Shocking level of carelessness and lack of respect that is unfortunately a true reflection of the times in this part of Malta.”

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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