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Watch: ‘Don’t Reward Corruption And Pollution’ Activists Explain Why You Should Sign Letter Against Malta-Sicily Pipeline Project

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Daphne Caruana Galizia was killed in cold blood for her investigations uncovering corruption, and the shadowy ElectroGas deal was one of the last projects she worked on before that fatal day in October 2017. Activists have continued their fight, to denounce the gas pipeline project, that, if it goes through, will have taxpayers paying millions to beneficial owners including Yorgen Fenech, the prime suspect in the journalist’s murder.

Friends of the Earth Malta and The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation have launched this video as part of their campaign opposing the pipeline project.

It uncovers the unsettling reality of the Electrogas project and the proposed Melita TransGas Pipeline which will lock Malta into burning fossil fuels for the next 40 years.


The proposed Melita TransGas pipeline, estimated to cost €400 million, has been included in the EU’s fifth list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI), making it eligible for EU funding.

Clauses in Electrogas agreements are set to trigger a multi-million payout to the company
once the gas pipeline is completed and connected to the Electrogas power station, rewarding the ultimate beneficial owners of the corrupt project – including Yorgen Fenech.

This means the government will, in your name, invest €400 million euros in a project mired in corruption and pollution.

It will also stance Malta from its sustainable energy goals, as the production of hydrogen depends on fossil fuels and the pipeline would lock Malta into another 40 years of fossil fuel dependence.

Corruption in the Electrogas project was a core part of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s
investigations, which, according to the findings of the public inquiry into her assassination,
possibly motivated her murder.

The video is aimed at raising awareness and encouraging the public to sign a letter at www.foemalta.org/nogas which will be sent to decision-makers both in Malta and in the EU institutions. These include Malta’s Prime Minister Robert Abela, Energy Minister Miriam Dalli, and Finance Minister Clyde Caruana, as well as MEPs forming part of the ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy) Committee.

This initiative is part of EU-wide actions asking for #PeopleOverPolluters led by the Fossil Free Politics Coalition.

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Sam is a journalist, artist and writer based in Malta. Send her pictures of hands or need-to-know stories on politics or art on [email protected].

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