Watch: Historic Moment As Malta’s Parliament Votes In Favour Of New Abortion Bill

Malta’s Parliament has voted in favour of Bill 28 which will decriminalise terminating a pregnancy if the mother’s health is at severe risk – and activists in Valletta waiting outside parliament couldn’t help but celebrate the achievement.
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The bill is still in its second reading, and still needs to go through a third reading in Parliament before it becomes law – but it didn’t stop the gathered activists outside from jumping and clapping in celebration.
As pro-choice protesters gathered in front of parliament to encourage the members to vote for it – results show that 42 voted for it, whilst 34 voted against it. Labour Party representatives voted in favour of the amendment, while Nationalist representatives voted against it.
Further discussion will be held in January after the Christmas Holidays to continue the third and final reading.
The amendment has proven controversial, with those opposed to it criticising it for being too “vague”, and raised concerns that this may be used to widen abortion access. However, activists said that this was an important step in the right, and safest, direction.
Prime Minister Robert Abela advised that some amendments will be brought up during these readings. Some, including former President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, are arguing that no matter what the Prime Minister brings forward, he is still legalising abortion.
What do you make of this step forward for women’s reproductive rights on the island?