Watch: Malta Has A Lot To Learn From Japan’s Culture Of Respect, PL CEO Says

Malta can learn a lot from Japan’s culture of mutual respect, Labour CEO and MP Randolph De Battista has said.
During a recent parliamentary debate about the Jean Paul Sofia public inquiry, De Battista said the inquiry’s damning findings should serve as a lesson for several sections of society – from politicians and lawyers to citizens.
He then proceeded to praise Japan, which he described as one of his favourite countries in the world.
“When people are lucky enough to visit Japan, the first thing that comes to mind after they leave is how much respect there is in the nation,” he said.
De Battista attributed this to Japan’s education system, which places a great emphasis on respect. In fact, for the first three years of school, Japanese students don’t take exams and the focus is mainly on developing good manners, character, respect to others and nature.
“From a very young age, Japan’s education system teaches children to respect each other,” he said. “This is what we need. From a young age, we must raise our children like this.”
“Some Japanese schools don’t even employ cleaners because the children clean up their classrooms themselves. Isn’t it obvious then that when they grow up and encounter a cleaner, they will treat them with respect because they had done that job themselves?”
“If we try to learn at least one lesson from Japan, we will have a much better society.”
De Battista also proposed that the state should create a system to incentivise businesses with a proper social conscience towards their workers, clients and society.
“I’m not talking about those businesses who act abusively all year and then present a massive L-Istrina cheque at the end of the year,” he clarified. “I’m talking about those businesses who, when preparing their annual plans, think beyond profits and towards how they can contribute to society.
“This concept exists in other countries and we must take it on board too because money isn’t everything.”
Have you ever been to Japan?