Watch: Man Vandalises Cars In Marsa In Uncontrolled Night-Time Rampage

Marsa residents have sounded the alarm after several in the community have awoken to the sight of their own cars hit with acts of vandalism.
Overnight, several cars in the area suffered some serious damage. From smashed-up windows to broken mirrors. And it was all caught on CCTV footage.
The footage showed a man physically damaging random cars in the twilight hours of the night.
After the very same footage was posted on various social media groups, people in the locality did not mince their words:
“Just goes to show the quality of the people in the area,” one said. “They’re leaving the Maltese with no choice but to buy a garage. It’s the only way to be sure no damage will come to your car.”
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“Seeing these things happening literally breaks my heart,” said another. “I have lost hope.”
A police spokesperson confirmed with Lovin Malta that a report had been filed at 1.30am after several vehicles in the area had been damaged. However, the culprit still remains at large.
Police have launched an investigation to apprehend him.
Have you ever been a victim of car vandalism? If so, reach out to [email protected]
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