Watch: Owen Bonnici – ‘Holocaust Shows The Dangers Of State-Endorsed Hatred’

Heritage Minister Owen Bonnici stressed that Holocaust Remembrance Day remains an important event as a sobering reminder of what humanity is capable of.
“We must look at the roots of the problem, when Jews were portrayed as hostile elements and parasites of society who worked against the wellbeing of society,” Bonnici said in Parliament last night.
“This was the expression of stereotypes that were around for hundreds of years and sometimes emerged in unjustified anger, particularly during times of economic trouble. It’s easy to point fingers at people who are considered different rather than analysing the nation’s true problems and seeking a solution.”
“These stereotypes are deceptive and malicious seeds that fester in people’s hearts in the lack of knowledge of other groups.”
“History proves that these stereotypes can easily be exploited and reinforced by hate-filled people based on ignorance and fact-twisting, when they don’t have solutions to problems.”
Bonnici warned that horrors like the Holocaust are only possible when such stereotypes are taken up and endorsed by the state.
“When the authorities abdicate from their roles as decision-makers when it is clear that intolerance between groups is on the rise, these groups will no longer be able to seek justice and protection, particularly when the authorities adopt certain ideals based on stereotypes or extreme ideologies.”
“This is nothing but the worst form of perversion of the function of the state as it developed over the last 200 years.”
“Nothing remains sacred. Concepts like equality and a fair society, and rights like freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and democracy itself get raped and destroyed because they are viewed as obstacles by those with an extreme political programme.”