WATCH: PN Leadership Celebrates Eddie Fenech Adami Turning 87 In Mini-Birthday Bash
The Opposition leader, flanked by other major PN deputies, visited former Prime Minister and President Eddie Fenech Adami for a short celebration to mark his 87th birthday.
In a live video shared by the current PN leader, Bernard Grech can be seen approaching the former leader, considered by Nationalists to be one of the most beloved and respected PN leaders in their history.
Fenech Adami seems keen to meet the current crop of Nationalist heads, with his son Michael Fenech Adami by his side. Grech, in a jovial mood, even pats Fenech Adami on the shoulder as Grech’s wife wishes him a happy birthday.
In one particularly candid moment, as Fenech Adami is opening his gift, his son tells him to pull up his face mask, only for the former Prime Minister to reply with a short but curt “għala?” (why?) as some of the assembled party giggle quietly.
Grech gave him a book as a gift – Riflessjonijiet Dwar Il-Ġid Komuni by Alan Xuereb.
Fenech Adami is remembered for many things, among which are his bitter battles with former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff, bringing Malta into the European Union in a historic election and even having his own home razed by Labour thugs during some of the worst political times this country has ever seen.
It wasn’t just high-ranking PN officials wishing the former leader and Prime Minister a happy birthday and sending in their tributes though.
Rising PN youth Eve Borg Bonello called him the “best leader” the country has ever had.
Many others posted well wishes on his Facebook page as well as in private messages. Though he’s left politics a while ago, his influence and presence can still be felt in the PN till this very day.