Watch: Students Would Rather Spend Thousands On A Car Than Use Free Buses, Maltese Youth Activist Warns

A youth activist has urged Malta’s political parties to come up with serious long-term solutions to public transport to combat the country’s notorious traffic problem.
In a new interview with Lovin Malta, SDM’s Miirko Sant warned that although buses are completely free while buying and maintaining a car costs thousands of euro, students are still going for the latter option.
“Although public transport is free, the first thing every youth does upon turning 18 is embarking on the process of acquiring a driving license and spend thousands on costs, including on the car itself, insurance, fuel and the license fee,” he warned.
“I would like the government and opposition to come up with more long-term ideas – why are youths doing this and not using free public transport?”
“Isn’t it a sign that perhaps our public transport isn’t efficient or good enough to the point that students would rather spend thousands of euro than use something readily available and free?”
Sant said the solution lies in a mass transport system, such as the metro proposal the PL had made before the last election before deprioritising it.
“We want to see a mass transport system. We know it cannot be built from one day to the next but we have to start from somewhere or our traffic problem will only get worse, seeing as the population is growing.”
Does Malta need a metro system?