Watch: ‘Sue Me If I’m Wrong’ – Bernard Grech Says Vitals Inquiry Leaked To Abela

Opposition Leader Bernard Grech has warned that a copy of the Vitals magisterial inquiry has been leaked to Robert Abela and challenged the Prime Minister to sue him if he was wrong.
“Although the inquiry hasn’t been published, it is clear that Robert Abela and other people have been given access to it,” Grech told a political activity.
“He is using this information to carry out political manoeuvres to make sure he is saved and other people sink. I am making a clear allegation here, and if it’s not true, come out and deny it, report me, and sue me.”
Shadow Justice Minister Karol Aquilina later claimed that the Attorney General, who received a copy of the inquiry from magistrate Gabriella Vella last week, had given a copy of its findings to the “Castille establishment”.
“The Attorney General must publish the inquiry,” he said. “We are ready to take legal action if the AG continues discriminating against the Opposition Leader and the people of Malta.
“The public declarations made by the Prime Minister and the Justice Minister clearly show that the have access to the Vitals inquiry and are using this knowledge for political and electoral goals. The Vitals inquiry has ended up at the Castille establishment thanks to the Attorney General, who has been controlled by Castille for years, and does whatever the Prime Minister and Justice Minister tell her to do.”
He said the PN will file legal action against Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg if she doesn’t publish the inquiry, noting that the AG’s office had already been found to have breached the rights of former PN leader Adrian Delia when a copy of the Egrant inquiry had been passed on to the Prime Minister but not to the Opposition Leader.