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Watch: Tuna Recycling Plant Is Allegedly Dumping Silage Into Wied Żnuber, Activists Claim

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A new tuna recycling plant is allegedly dumping fish silage into Wied Żnuber, a protected Natura 2000 site, activist group Moviment Graffitti has claimed. 

A video uploaded on its social media shows a brown liquid going straight into the valley.

“The fishing industry has been left for decades, under different administrations, to do what it wants, including enormous damage to the seabed and filling our beaches with slime that comes out of the fish farms,” it said.

“The authorities have completely failed to regulate this industry due to the strong influence it has on Maltese politics. Now it was the turn of Birżebbuġa and Wied Żnuber to suffer the consequences of its greed.”

The plant, which started operating at the end of September, has been courting controversy already with residents and the local council complaining about a stench emanating from the facility.

However, the facility has dismissed the claims. 

Ħal Far’s tuna recycling plant is a project of some of the main players in the industry, namely Azzopardi Fisheries, MFF and Fish and Fish. It will process around 4,000 tonnes of tuna remains every year. 

Prior to the plant, the remains, which consist of the insides, the head, the spine and the tail, were usually thrown out at sea, around 11 nautical miles off the coast with the approval of authorities. 

Lovin Malta has reached out to the facility to comment on the case.

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Julian is the former editor of Lovin Malta and has a particular interest in politics, the environment, social issues, and human interest stories.

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