WATCH: Umbrella-Wielding Police Officer Ferries Children From Car To School To Avoid Them Getting Wet

A policeman who spent his morning protecting students from the rain as they walked from their parent’s cars to the doors of the school has been showered with praise online for his noble gesture.
“You can’t not thank this policeman for spending 30 minutes dropping kids off at school from their parent’s car – prosit and thank you,” said one man as he shared footage of the act in question.
And it wasn’t only him, with over 100 comments from parents and onlookers who praised the officer for his selfless act.
“Every now and then you meet a good soul! If only everyone showed some appreciation and were just as helpful, we’d be so much better!”
Malta’s schools have been reopening over the last few weeks, just as the weather’s been changing and rains have been picking up. However, as long as we have this unnamed officer around, our kids are going to be safe for the time being.