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WATCH: ‘We Need Clearer Health Protocols’: Tourism Minister Plays Down Calls For Malta To Ban Mass Events

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Julia Farrugia Portelli, Malta’s Tourism Minister, has downplayed calls made by the general public to ban mass events, whilst suggesting the implementation of “clearer and more definite health protocols”.

This comes after an online petition seeking to ban all mass gatherings in Malta amassed upwards of 13,000 signatures  in a few days.

Malta’s Entertainment Industry and Arts Association, headed by president Howard Keith Debono, has also called for the termination of mass events targeting tourists, whilst insisting on the implementation of safety measures for all other events.

“Every event that takes place should happen in a balanced and cautious manner,” the Tourism Minister said.

“I am in constant discussions with the Health Authorities, and we have said that there needs to be clearer and more definite protocols.”

When confronted about the Malta’s Medical Association’s threats to put doctors on strike if events involving 10 or more people are not banned, Farrugia Portelli called for the implementation of more “balanced” measures.

“I appeal to look at everything in a balanced way. We could have taken on doctors’ suggestions to put the country under lockdown – however, a balanced approach, as the one our country has followed, shall dictate every other decision that our government makes.”

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