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Watch: ‘Who Will Fill The Jobs The Maltese Don’t Want?’ – PL MP Challenges PN’s Economic Vision

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Labour MP Carmelo Abela has challenged Opposition Leader Bernard Grech to delve deeper into his plan for Maltese economy in light of his recent anti-migration rhetoric.

“By how much does the PN plan to reduce economic growth in its quest to reduce the number of job opportunities in Malta?” Abela asked, labelling Grech’s comments as “xenophobic”.

“The economy is growing to the point that we had to bring in foreign workers to fill up all the job opportunities. This is the truth and the Opposition cannot keep hiding behind dangerous language without providing further details.”

“Does it plan to shrink the economy? Does it plan to kick out foreign workers? Which healthcare services, elderly care services and other jobs that foreigners are doing does it plan to eliminate? Who will fill all the job vacancies? Who will fill the jobs that the Maltese aren’t interested in?”

“There are challenges and the government is taking them seriously but the Opposition must say what the way forward is.”

Grech has ramped up his anti-migration rhetoric in recent weeks, warning the rapid rise of foreign workers is posing a huge strain on Malta’s infrastructure.

He said a LSE complained to him that most of her students are foreign and that a woman warned she is afraid to travel by bus because there are so many foreigners on board.

The PN has also proposed that third-country nationals undergo mandatory tests in basic Maltese after a year living in the country. Should they fail, they won’t be able to renew their work permit and will therefore be forced to leave the country.

Do you think the PN should provide more details about its plans for the economy?

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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