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Freak Summer Storm Hits Malta As Drivers Warn Of ‘Extremely Slippery Roads’

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A number of motorists and drivers have taken to social media to ask why the roads are so slippery following a freak storm that showered the islands today.

“This is the state of Triq il-Kungress Ewkaristiku, Mosta, after some rain. Extremely slippery. The white foam seems to be diesel fuel,” said one man who uploaded a photo of a trail of white along one of Mosta’s main roads.

Another driver simply said: “Drive slowly… roads are like ice rinks.”

One driver reportedly crashed due to how ‘slippery’ the roads have become – he was reported as saying that even though he pressed the breaks, it was like pressing nothing.

Photo by Etienne Bonanno‎

Photo by Etienne Bonanno‎

The unexpected rain hit hard this afternoon

And it rained all over the islands

The weather is meant to improve soon enough following 24 hours of unusually low temperatures and strong wind as stormy weather hits neighbouring islands like Sicily.

However, we’d advise to still keep an extra eye out for any particularly slippery roads on your way back home!

Cover photo left: @valeevyaroslav
Cover photo right: Etienne Bonanno

Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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