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WhatsApp Messages Reveal Yorgen Fenech’s Escape Plan Days After ‘Vast’ Sums Were Transferred To Dubai

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A series of WhatsApp messages presented to the court has revealed a wealth of details concerning Yorgen Fenech’s plans to abscond from Malta ahead of his arrest in connection with the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. 

Speaking in court to counter a fresh bail request from Fenech, Deputy Attorney General Philip Galea Farrugia read out conversations between Fenech, his uncle Ray, and brother Franco in the lead up to 19th November 2019. Fenech was arrested on 20th November soon after 5am after his boat, Gio, left Portomaso harbour with him on board.

Galea Farrugia also revealed that vast amounts of money was also transferred to Dubai and other locations. Galea Farrugia said that he does not need to mention Fenech’s 17 Black (now know as Wings Development) since it was all in the evidence he presented. 

On the eve before his arrest, Fenech received a message from his uncle following then-Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s declaration that a presidential pardon had been granted to an unknown individual, later revealed to be Melvin Theuma, and that he expected arrests soon.

The pair discussed how Theuma has a pardon insight, with Yorgen Fenech insisting that “K” had told him that nothing would happen that day. 

“There may be developments, go when you still have a chance,” Ray Fenech told his nephew, telling him to trust no one.

Plans to use the airport were quickly shot down with Yorgen Fench urged to go by boat. Still, Fenech even expressed fears that if he were caught in the EU, he would end up in the arms of Europol.

The plan, according to messages, was for Fenech to make his way to Pozzallo and then get on a truck to Nice. His brother, Franco, would be there waiting for him.

“Tell your friend that it’s probably better if I do as you suggested and leave for good,” Fenech told his brother.

“We have one last option. Take it or you will regret it forever…tell Logan [the ship’s caption] no crew,” Franco Fenech replied.

According to the conversations, Fenech was urged to use cash to avoid being traced through credit card transactions.

Messages also make it clear that the men were aware that journalists were on-site at Portomaso.

Fenech even reached out to private jet company Falcon jets on 19th November with an urgent request for a private jet out of the country.

“No publicity please, we’re going to take cash,”  Fenech said.

It appears that a lawyer had even visited Ray Fenech before the arrest, with one message showing a request from uncle to nephew for €20,000, presumably as a fee for the legal advice.

Galea Farrugia used the messages to evidence his point that the fears of Fenech absconding remain, following claims by his defence team that Fenech was simply going on a routine trip. 

The defence also argued that investigations into Fenech’s role in the murder and the murder itself had concluded, referencing a recent statement by Malta’s Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa.

However, it was quickly rubbished by Homicide Inspector Keith Arnaud and Galea Farrugia. Arnaud clarified that Gafa had actually said that with the evidence at hand, every person linked to the murder had been charged so far. 

Meanwhile, Galea Farrugia noted that the defence had used similar arguments last February. Just a few weeks after that claim, two men, Robert Agius and Jamie Vella, were arrested and charged in connection with the murder.

Both Galea Farrugia and Arnaud insisted that investigations are still ongoing. 

Magistrate Rachel Montebello agreed and did not grant Fenech bail.

What do you think of the reveal?

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Julian is the former editor of Lovin Malta and has a particular interest in politics, the environment, social issues, and human interest stories.

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