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‘You Had No Choice But To Love Karl’: Parliament Pays Tribute To Late Former MP Gouder

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During a special parliamentary session on Tuesday, Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition Leader Bernard Grech delivered emotional tributes to the late Karl Gouder, urging fellow MPs to follow his example of unwavering kindness, honesty, and patriotism.

The session was held in memory of the former MP and PN mayor, who passed away suddenly last month at the age of 45, leaving a deep impact on Malta’s political landscape.

His sudden death came as a shock to many, and during the session, members of his family were present in parliament’s strangers’ gallery to witness the heartfelt tributes.

As is tradition, the parliament published and distributed Gouder’s first parliamentary speech, which dates back to May 2010.

Abela reflected on his personal connection with Gouder, recounting their time together as students at St Aloysius College, where Gouder was a year younger.

The Prime Minister praised Gouder’s joyful spirit and respectful approach to debates, noting that he never resorted to personal attacks.

“Karl never changed, and I confirmed that when we met in parliament years later,” Abela said, emphasising the consistency of Gouder’s character.

He expressed hope that MPs would emulate Gouder’s approach, which prioritised reconciliation and unity.

Abela described the sense of national unity felt at Gouder’s funeral, likening it to the solidarity seen at the funeral of Jake Vella, who also recently passed away.

“Karl was a fellow student, a personal friend, and a man who gave his all for his country,” he added.

Opposition Leader Bernard Grech shared how deeply Gouder’s passing affected him, comparing the loss to that of his own parents and acknowledged Gouder’s significant role in the PN’s 2024 MEP election campaign, calling him the “backbone” of the effort.

Grech highlighted the outpouring of support after Gouder’s death, with many people sharing messages of encouragement that Gouder had sent them over the years. He emphasised Gouder’s commitment to unity, recalling how he gently brought people together without ever compromising his principles.

“He would find time for everyone and listen to everyone,” Grech noted, encouraging MPs to adopt Gouder’s approach of compassion and care.

Speaker Anġlu Farrugia added his own tribute, describing Gouder as an upstanding gentleman who was deeply caring towards others.

“You had no choice but to love Karl,” Farrugia remarked, sharing a personal story of how Gouder would regularly check in on him during a difficult time in 2023.

“He would text me every week, to ask how I was and whether I needed anything. And he would text me every year on my birthday,” Farrugia recalled.

The special session was a powerful reminder of Karl Gouder’s enduring impact on Malta’s political and social fabric, with leaders from across the political spectrum coming together to honour his legacy of kindness, dedication, and unity.

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