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Young Couple Arrested After Attacking 72-Year-Old Man Who Tried To Stop Them Damaging Vehicle In St Julian’s

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A young couple has been arrested after injuring an elderly man who attempted to stop them damaging a government car.

An Irishman and a Spanish woman, both aged 23 and living in St Julian’s, have been arrested and are currently in police lock-up in Floriana after the incident, which happened at around 6.45am today in Triq il-Kbira, St Julian’s.

The incident occurred when the 72-year-old man, who also lives in St Julian’s, noticed the pair damaging a parked vehicle belonging to the Civil Protection Department. When he approached them to stop what they were doing, they attacked him before fleeing the scene, police said.

The man was given first aid on the scene before being taken to Mater Dei for further treatment. He was certified to have grievous injuries from the attack.

Shortly afterwards, the pair were identified and arrested. They remain in lock-up.

Police investigations into the incident continue.

What do you make of this attack?

Il-Pulizija tad-Distrett marru immedjatament fuq il-post u l-ewwel investigazzjonijiet juru li
raġel ta’ 72 sena li jgħix San Ġiljan, hekk kif mar iwaqqaf żewġ persuni li kienu qegħdin jagħmlu
ħsara fuq vettura pparkkjata tad-Dipartiment tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili, aggredewh u ħarbu minn
fuq il-post.
Aktar tard, iż-żewġ persuni ġew identifikati; Irlandiż u Spanjola ta’ 23 sena li jgħixu San Ġiljan.
Huma ġew arrestati ftit tal-ħin wara fi Triq Karmnu, San Ġiljan.
Ir-raġel ta’ 72 sena ngħata l-ewwel għajnuna minn tim mediku u ttieħed l-Isptar Mater Dei
b’ambulanza. Huwa ġie ċċertifikat li sofra ġrieħi gravi.
Il-mara u r-raġel qegħdin jinżammu fil-lock-up tal-Pulizija, il-Floriana.
L-investigazzjonijiet tal-Pulizija tad-Distrett ta’ San Ġiljan għadhom għaddejjin.

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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