Mosta Council Should Look At PAMA’s Success And Build A Large Underground Car Park

I know it might sound like a strange idea but hear me out – if the Mosta village square is to be a success, then adopting the model of a nearby shopping mall might just be the key.
You can wax lyrical about the importance of pedestrianisation all you like, but no matter which way you slice it, people are unlikely to flock to the village square unless it is accessible.
Businesses in the Mosta square are facing serious competition from the nearby PAMA shopping mall. People in the same catchment area are choosing to shop, eat out and have a coffee at the mall rather than the Mosta square for a simple reason – parking is readily available.
Sure, you don’t get the view of the Mosta Dome but you don’t have to worry about finding parking either. At the end of the day, time is a very limited resource and if you have limited time, the more convenient option becomes more appealing.
So here is my proposal for the Mosta square to remain pedestrianised but become more appealing for visitors and businesses.

1. Build a large underground car park
Previous proposals for an underground car park right next to the Mosta Dome have fallen through, but it doesn’t need to be built right in the centre of the town.
It could be built somewhere near the periphery, and there could even be a small flat fee of €1 or €2 that can go directly to the local council.
2. Easy and accessible transport to the centre
Once people have parked, they will need to be able to access the centre of the town. Those who want to walk there will always have that option, but there must also be other options to ensure a faster commute – such as regular shuttle buses and shared bikes and scooters.
3. Incentivise people to visit
It’s not enough to make it easy to visit the square – people also need to have reason to visit it.
The government can play an active role here by making it easier for businesses to open, operate and set up stalls, while the local council can play a part by organising regular events in the square and beautifying it by planting trees and plants.
It’s not enough to pedestrianise a square and hope people will visit it, neither is it enough to let cars pass without giving them room to park. It’s time for decision-makers to start thinking out of the box a bit.
Do you agree with this proposal?