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Opinion: Arnold Cassola Is Malta’s Bernie Sanders

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As you might have noticed, there’s an election coming up. With Malta going to the polls in just a few days, it’s time to acknowledge something well-known yet rarely discussed in public: Arnold Cassola is Malta’s Bernie Sanders.

Like Bernie, Arnie is willing to go hard for his beliefs.

Bernie’s iconic image of being arrested at a Civil Rights protest mirrors Arnold’s own mugshot from protesting a Gozo development in 1994. That’s 30 years of Arnold standing up against bullies for all of our sakes.

He’s the most experienced candidate

Before Bernie Sanders ran for the Presidency, he served as a Senator, Congressman, and Mayor. Similarly, Arnold Cassola has been Secretary General of the European Green Party and a member of the Italian Parliament. Now he’s making a supremely convincing run for Brussels! Cassola is one of Malta’s most accomplished political figures of our generation.

Arnold’s beliefs are NOT FOR SALE

Bernie could have been President if he had conformed to the Democratic Party line, and Arnold could have been an MP long, long ago if he had aligned with the establishment. But neither statesman drank the partisan coolaid. Their careers are an up yours towards their respective political establishments.

He gets results

Bernie Sanders has introduced significant legislative changes, championing progressive causes like free healthcare and education. Arnold Cassola has also made a substantial impact, advocating for EU membership in 2004 and leading the divorce legalisation push in 2011. Arnold’s 30-year advocacy for a third political force in Malta is finally resonating.

That Bernie-Arnie Swag

The hair, the dress sense, the straightforward debating style, and the boomer vibes with Gen-Z appeal—they share it all. Imagine Bernie Sanders having coffee with any Maltese politician. Robert Abela? Bernard Grech? No way.

It’s obviously Arnold Cassola.

Lovin Malta is open to interesting, compelling guest posts from third parties. These opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the views of the company. Submit your piece at [email protected]

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