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Opinion: From Apathy To Action, Youths Champion Arnold Cassola

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A group of youths have decided to take it upon themselves to produce a video that highlights all the reasons that they support independent firebrand Arnold Cassola.

Cassola who has recently surged in the latest polls is offering youths a new way to interface with politics outside the traditional blue-red paradigm.

With politics in Malta having turned into a blame game, many have resorted to clinging to parties that do not necessarily align with their values but merely uphold a majority – it is no wonder that youths were considered apathetic in their political participation – the youths in the video claim.

However, the rise of independent candidates has resulted in a shift in youths’ political awareness as they are now presented with clear, actionable plans for their future that draw away from the blue-and-red mentality that defined politics in Malta for so long.

We are witnessing the youth supporting candidates who are not associated with partisan battles, timely false promises and personal attacks. Instead, they prioritise individuals who are ready to represent them in tackling issues that impact lives daily, such as environmental concerns and social justice.

As a generation raised in a globalised world, empowered with endless possibilities, and encouraged to explore options beyond traditional boundaries, can we honestly believe that two deeply fixated political giants could derail the youth’s dreams for the future they deserve?


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Today’s youth are hopeful and fearless – they are not planting bombs or hurling eggs and coins. Instead, they fight with a determined vision for a future they refuse to compromise on—a future they’ll tirelessly advocate for until realised.

How? By supporting and electing individuals who truly echo their voice in influential roles.

Lovin Malta is open to interesting, compelling guest posts from third parties. These opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the views of the company. Submit your piece at [email protected].

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