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‘Dana The Sea Lion Is Finally Free,’ Animal Activists Say After 26-Year-Old Performer Dies In Malta

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A group of Maltese activists said that a performance seal that died this week had been finally “freed” from a life of confinement.

“Animal Liberation Malta is saddened by the news of Dana the sea lion that died today at Mediterraneano Marine Park. We are saddened by the fact that Dana lived a life of confinement for 26 years and was freed from this only after she succumbed to her illness and died,” ALM said.

“The park’s PR is highlighting the fact that Dana has lived for 26 years under their care; however, they fail to describe the quality of life that this South American lion had,” activists continued.

“Dana has lived most her life in a small two metre deep pool without being able to swim for 40km/hr and without being able to hunt for her own food. Instead, she had to involuntarily participate in shows and interact with humans for repetitive 15-minute sessions throughout the day. She was also used as a prop for photos against payment,” it said.

The sea lion’s death led to an outpouring of tributes from people who had enjoyed her performances and the opportunity to see a sea lion up close.

However, ALM had a different take on the sea lion’s life and death.

“Dana arrived in 1997 in the park along with several other sea lions including a three-month-old pup. We are unaware how many sea lions have died over this span of time. Unfortunately, as is the case for the dolphins which died last year, the only way out of the park is death!”

ALM ended by calling on authorities to not allow the park to bring in any new animals, including sea lions.

What do you make of the activists’ take on Dana’s death?

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Johnathan is an award-winning Maltese journalist interested in social justice, politics, minority issues, music and food. Follow him at @supreofficialmt on Instagram, and send him news, food and music stories at [email protected]

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