Should Maltese Teachers, Nurses And Police Officers Get A Pay Rise? This Facebook Poll Has Divided The Nation

Wages in Malta are always an intense topic of discussion. There are many who believe that in our current economy, people aren’t paid enough for the work they do. In fact, both the Prime Minister of Malta and Leader of the Opposition have admitted that they have trouble saving money from what they earn.
When this hot topic surfaced on popular Facebook forum The Salott, it racked up well over a thousand votes in just a few hours.
The question asked was “What do you think about raising salaries of police, teachers and nurses by around 50%?”

In less than a day since the time of writing, over 900 people have said that they agree with the pay raise, while only a bit more than 20 people said that they disagree.
However, the other available options added some heat to the debate, with over 700 people, the second highest grouping, asking what loosely translates to “What about the other jobs?” by selecting the hastily-typed option “u l-ħaddiema l-ohrajn xejn?”
There were also a few more humorous choices, such as those who questioned the higher amount of tax they might have to pay, or the 5 people who wanted the poster to “jatu kollox [lillhom]”, which is honestly a massive mood.