SURVEY: What Will The Future Of Making Babies In Malta Look Like?

Imagine a world where babies are regularly made using stem cells and screened for future illnesses or deformities. With Malta bracing itself for a revised law on In Vitro Fertilisation, assisted reproduction has recently been put up for discussion all over again. With that in mind, what kind of future are we heading to, and does the country like it?
Ahead of an ethical discussion literally focused on The Future of Making Babies, Lovin Malta are looking for our readers’ opinions and experiences about assisted reproduction. As always, your answers will remain anonymous.
What do you think human reproduction will look like in 20 years’ time, and do you like the direction it’s heading?
If you’re on your phone and can’t see the survey, click here.
The Future of Making Babies, which is being organised by the Drachma Parents’ Group, is happening on the 23rd of February.