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SURVEY: Do You Think Malta’s Party-Owned TV Stations Should Be Shut Down?

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As the national debate about party-owned stations heats up, it’s time to have your say on the matter: Should Net TV and One TV be shut down?

For the past 30 years, Malta’s broadcasting has been dominated by two TV stations that are directly owned by our main political parties.

The stations create a big financial strain on the political parties, but both sides believe that without their own platform, their message will be drowned out.

Lovin Malta is campaigning to bring an end to party-owned stations and will file a Constitutional case next year, arguing that Article 119 of the Constitution demands impartiality from all of Malta’s broadcasting.

But before we go ahead, we’d like to hear what our readers think about this issue.

Scroll down to answer this short survey and share your thoughts.

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Christian is an award-winning journalist and entrepreneur who founded Lovin Malta, a new media company dedicated to creating positive impact in society. He is passionate about justice, public finances and finding ways to build a better future.

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