Calling Malta’s Youth: This Survey Wants To Know Your Thoughts About The Future

COVID-19 brought the world to an unprecedented halt this year, with uncertainty for younger generations and the future of this planet looming larger than ever before.
Which begs the question – what will the future look like? What do the world’s youngest want the future to look like? How can we get there?
This is what global company EY wants to find out – what the youngest and brightest minds think about this undoubtedly unexpected time through a simple e-survey.
Who are EY?
EY are the backbone of the world’s most exciting firms, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, providing the financial services they need to accelerate their success.
Over previous years, EY hosted over 700 of Malta’s brightest young minds gathered under one roof to discuss world issues and exchange thoughts with some exciting participants and speakers.
It’s normally a highlight on scholastic calendars, with expert analysis by international speakers, innovative futuristic workshops, and discussion on the different paths youths’ futures may hold usually top of the agenda.

Last year's EY event
Unsurprisingly, this year is looking to be a little different. With COVID-19 risks still lingering for large scale gatherings, the physical event has been cancelled.
But that doesn’t mean your future is cancelled – and this is how you can make your voice count.
Listen up young people, EY Malta wants to know what YOU think about the world.
- What words come to mind when thinking of your future?
- How has the pandemic affected your life?
- Do you think the economy has suffered?
- What issues do you feel affect Malta the most?
EY is conducting a large scale e-survey to learn all about your thoughts on these big questions. Your insight is invaluable to paint an accurate snapshot of younger generations and their place in the world.

How do I participate?
Simply fill in this online survey and answer as honestly as possible.
The results of this survey will be presented live during a four-day webinar series called Future Released in October.
Usually, the esteemed event attracts over 1,000 top business owners, entrepreneurs, investors and public and private sector leaders.
But fret not, the alternative format will feature key speakers hailing from across the world, including Microsoft, SAP, World Economic Forum, World Bank, Business Europe, Bocconi University and many more still to be announced.
Want your voice to be heard? Take part in this large-scale survey here.
Tag someone who should take part!