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Making The Impossible Possible: Maltese Man Describes The Help He Received During His Cancer Treatment

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Christmas in Malta is full of traditional events and activities and over the last few years Boxing Day has become another staple in people’s calendars thanks to L-Istrina. 

The 12 hour telethon aims to collect funds for the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation. The MCCFF offers financial and emotional support to those undergoing treatment for serious ailments and their family members.

Aurelio Belli is one of the many who sought refuge with the Foundation and has spoken to Lovin Malta about his experience.

He recounts how two years back he was diagnosed with diverticulitis, a common infection in the large intestine. While undergoing tests for this condition doctors discovered lung nodules and he was quickly admitted to the Oncology Department for treatment, leaving no doubt in his mind what that meant.

He was eventually diagnosed with cancer in the left upper lobe of his lungs. This was removed during surgery; however, doctors soon discovered that the disease had also spread to the right lung. “I kept receiving treatment and chemotherapy for this, and medicine was provided by the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation” said Belli.

As a long-time musician with popular local rock concert Rockestra, Belli was familiar with the work the Foundation carries out but never imagined he would be the one needing help. 

“They contacted me instantly, and had it not been for their constant help and support, my family and I wouldn’t even have a roof over our heads these days”.

Speaking about this year’s edition of L-Istrina on 26th December, Belli said: “Every year I made it a point to donate, and eventually I was the one in need. You never know when you or a family member might be the ones in need and I encourage the Maltese to give whatever they can to help them continue with their work”.

While his chemotherapy treatments are over, members of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation remain in contact with Aurelio and his family. With a grateful smile, he said “they make the impossible possible”.

L-Istrina will air from noon until midnight on the 26th December on all local stations. Show your support by giving whatever donation you can. 

Here is how you can donate:

Call: 51902030 – €50

Call: 51802012 €25

SMS: 50619201 €11.65

Bov App Number: 79359565

Will you be supporting L-Istrina this year?


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