Social Inclusion And Healthy Ageing: National Strategic Policy for Active Ageing Is Launched

The years go by and we get older, but the notion of ageing in the modern world has changed drastically.
With an average life expectancy of 83, people in Malta can enjoy many more years of life after retirement. With this in mind the Ministry for Active Ageing has launched a National Strategic Policy for Active Ageing for the years 2023 – 2030.
Active ageing refers to older and ageing persons having optimal opportunities to participate in the social fabric, particularly in society’s decision-making process. As well as ageing healthily and independently in a society characterised by social fairness, equity and justice.
Population ageing has continued to transform Malta’s demographic structure. Currently, 98,000 out of the 520,000 population are aged 65 and over bringing this age group up to 19%.

The National Policy promises to ‘add life to years’ due to its potential to improve the wellbeing and quality of life of older persons in Malta and Gozo. It includes three key pillars of innovative policies: social inclusion, healthy ageing, and the need to address diversity and inequality.
Social inclusion refers to integrating older people into society, and countering the socially manufactured dependency of older persons. Healthy ageing refers to the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in later life.
Most importantly, the National Strategic Policy for Active Ageing distances itself from homogenising older persons to provide recommendations on the following areas of interest: ageism and age discrimination; gender; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, intersex and queer older persons; housing and accommodation; ethnicity; abuse and mistreatment; access to justice; ageing in correctional facilities; ageing with disability and dementia care.
What do you think about this new policy?