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ZARA’s Iconic Fashion Outlet Celebrates 20 Years In Malta

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There are certain things you just can’t imagine Sliema without. Things like that really popular ice cream place on the front, or the waterpolo pitches perched over the sea, or a pair of elegant Sliema ladies, all decked up in their beautiful fur coats, having a stroll by the Exiles promenade.

Just as iconic, is the ZARA Shopping Outlet overlooking the ferries, which in November will be celebrating 20 years!

Recently refurbished and expanded over five floors of fashion for all the family, the ZARA Outlet is a must-visit when in Sliema – as every boyfriend in Malta will attest.

…and there is a very good reason for that. After 20 years, ZARA continues to offer the very latest in quality fashion design within a very reasonable budget price range.

As the better-travelled among us will know, ZARA is a Spanish fashion chain which operates its recognisable franchise in some 70 countries around the globe. It is considered one of the largest fashion distributors worldwide.

ZARA manages to constantly stay ahead of the game, through a well-oiled feedback loop between its outlets spread across the globe, and HQ. In fact, ZARA makes it a point to stay on the lookout for the very latest dressing ideas, trends and tastes, and feeds the info back to a 200-strong design team, which continuously updates the brand’s offer. 

This ensures that ZARA will always be a leader in fashion in any season, and its customers will always look their best wherever they’re heading.

ZARA’s Sliema outlet has become a favourite with the Maltese of all ages and walks of life as it caters for all styles and occasions. And to show appreciation to their loyal customers, with every purchase made between the 8th and 13th November, a €5 voucher will be given.

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Edward Bonello is a content writer, PR consultant and generally chill fellow. When he’s not happily tapping away at his laptop, he enjoys collecting useless trivia, watching B-movies, and cooking the most decent carbonara this side of Trastevere.
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