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Artificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrencies And More To Be Discussed At Malta Conference This November

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Have you ever read about the newest and coolest technologies and wondered what life would be like in the near future? Well, you’re not alone, and people in the financial services have a direct interest in trying to find out what direct and indirect effects technology will have in our everyday lives. 

That’s where professional service providers like KPMG come in, and they’ll be discussing all of this at their Biennial Financial Services Conference, on the 9th of November at the Hilton in St. Julian’s.

This year, the conference, entitled Technology 2020 – The Future Of Financial Services Is With Us will focus on a great deal of challenges the financial services will be facing. Topics include digitisation, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, cloud-computing and Big Data. The conference will explore what and how financial services providers need to do, not only to survive but to thrive. It will take place on 9 November at Hilton Malta.

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Key note speeches will be delivered by government representatives Hon. Edward Scicluna and the Hon. Silvio Schembri, while the Hon. Mario DeMarco and the Hon. Kirsty Debono will be representing the Opposition. 

Highly acclaimed and renowned speakers both from Malta and abroad will also be addressing the participants and partaking in panel discussions as well as break-out sessions. Amongst the local industry specialists, Dr. Ian Gauci, Partner, GTG Advocates and Dr. Gege Gatt, Icon Director have confirmed their participation. International exponents include, from KPMG: Dorel Blitz, Fintech Global Lead; Dr. Thomas Erwin, Data & Analytics Global Lead; Dennis de Vries, Digital Ledger Services Global Lead, and from industry: Chris Kaye, CEO, Sherpa; Dr Abdalla Kablan, Fintech and AI expert; and Harry Tsavdaris, Digital Architect within Microsoft’s Digital Advisory Services.

The conference is expecting to host 200 delegates, so early registration (which can be done here) is highly recommended.

The full agenda – and more information – can be found on KPMG’s website

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Lovin Malta's Head of Content, Dave has been in journalism for the better half of the last decade. Prefers Instagram, but has been known to doomscroll on TikTok. Loves chicken, women's clothes and Kanye West (most of the time).
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As financial services providers are faced with digitisation, robotics and Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, cloud-computing and Big Data, in short with Fintech overhauling their systems and hence their businesses, a conference exploring the issues surrounding the impact of Fintech on financial services providers would aim at generating debate on what the future will look like, what such providers need to do to survive, and thrive, in which manner regulation and tax will come into play, what clients are expecting, what challenges lie ahead and how to address them now and not later.  This qualifies for 6 hours of structured CPE and categorised as an activity relevant to the attainment of Professional Development Competencies in terms of the Accountancy Board’s CPE Scheme.  For further information please send an email to [email protected]
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