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The Importance Of Conserving The Maltese Language

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Welcome to Malta—our small, sun-soaked archipelago bursting with culture and language that’s as rich and flavourful as our pastizzi! Here, every word we speak is like a dance between English and Maltese, both weaving a beautiful tapestry of sounds, full of Arabic vibes with a sprinkle of Italian.

But, guess what? Our charming Maltese language is playing a bit of hide and seek thanks to all the international friends we’re making and, well, our love affair with English.

A Dance of Languages:

In our lovely islands, speaking multiple languages isn’t just handy—it’s our lifestyle, our link to the past, and, oh, a fabulous showcase of our intricate identity! English and Maltese living together is like having the best of both worlds—it opens our doors to the globe and makes conversations a bit more colourful!

Riding the Waves of Diversity:

With more pals from around the world calling Malta home, it’s like having a constant linguistic party! But, in this fun medley, it’s crucial to keep the vibe of the Maltese language alive and kicking, to make sure it doesn’t get lost in the mix.

A Treasure Trove of Sounds:

“Our Maltese language is the heartbeat of our culture. Embracing our language is like unlocking a hidden treasure, for within its words lies the tapestry of Maltese history and culture. Each syllable is a testament to the beauty of linguistic diversity, a celebration of identity that echoes through the ages!” exclaims Dorothy Scerri, our language preservation hero and Business Development Manager at Global Translation Solutions Limited (GTS). Also wearing the hat of a Board Director at the European Language Industry Association (ELIA), Dorothy is all about keeping the Maltese spirit vibrant in every word we utter!

Preserving Maltese isn’t just about holding onto words; it’s like keeping our unique, history-filled melody alive, letting it sing the tales of our journey and whisper to the future generations about their roots.

We seriously need to have solid language rules that really support both English and Maltese, especially in the media. Look at places like Belgium, Canada, and Ireland; they’re rocking the bilingual vibe with all their public signs in both languages! It’s high time we do the same and ditch the randomness.

And speaking of honouring our bilingual roots, let’s make an effort to use more Maltese words, even the technical ones, instead of just flipping to English. And, hey, when we’re posting on social media, let’s try to keep our Maltese grammar on point and avoid those slangy shortcuts like “edin il-bic! Gej?”. As the old English proverb goes, charity starts at home. Let us sow the seeds of love for the Maltese language in the hearts of the younger generation by teaching them to use the Maltese language proudly.

Our language isn’t just a nod to our past—it’s our identity! So, let’s cherish it and keep our cultural tapestry vibrant and intact!

With 19 golden years in the biz, GTS is the go-to place for all things translation! From Maltese to a plethora of languages, we’re all about breaking barriers and making words sing! Our passion for linguistic wonders has earned us a name amongst the EU bigwigs and international buddies.

Whether it’s a big Maltese project or a quick linguistic spin, our team of Maltese maestros is here to keep the essence pure and the translation spot-on, all with a sprinkle of sector-specific brilliance!

So, here at GTS, we’re not just swapping words; we’re creating linguistic bridges, spreading understanding, and adding a bit of linguistic magic to the world.

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