WATCH: Suq Bil-Mod Ġaħan! It’s Time To Grow Up And Stop Relying On Mummy
Let’s be honest for a second; careless driving has never and will never be cool.
Whether you’re intoxicated after a night out, exhausted after a late shift at work, or too invested in that heated debate going on in your group chat – do yourself and literally everyone else a favour and take the bus, book a cab, or you know, walk.
With so many distractions threatening the sheer integrity of our driving, a number of big names in Malta’s celebrity and business spheres have come together to encourage responsibility behind the wheel.
So for this very reason, local radio station Vibe FM and Atlas Insurance have partnered up with Transport Malta to kick off the #GROWUP campaign – and it’s all about mature driving.
This has also been endorsed by the Malta Road Safety Council and the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects (MTICP for short), so it’s safe to say that people at Vibe FM know what they’re doing.
“We can depend on others for a lot of things but when it comes to driving and road safety, the responsibility is all ours. Make sure that being safe on our roads is of utmost importance, be attentive, alert and most important safe. Happiness is arriving at your destination in time and safely. Eyes on the Road,” said Pierre Vella, Executive Chairman of Malta Road Safety Council.
“Our message is a simple one: when driving, focus on driving and don’t be distracted by anything else. We augur that despite the new normal we are living, motorists do not relax whilst behind the wheel and keep their eyes firmly on the road,” added Robert Micallef, Chief Commercial Officer at Atlas Insurance.
And what better way to kick off such an important campaign than by publishing a hilarious yet pertinent video?
One small thing before you dive right into the video – this was filmed in its entirety prior to the establishment of the latest COVID-19 restrictions, so don’t get too wound up about Frank not wearing his mask…
Oh, by the way – those guys taking care of the Vibe FM DJs in the video are actually their mummies – smart!
But this campaign is just one way through which Vibe FM is making waves all over Malta…
In the most recent Broadcasting Authority survey, published only a few weeks ago, Vibe FM recorded its highest ever audience reach – pretty crazy, right?
And the good news doesn’t end there!
This station’s two peak rush-hour shows, The Morning Vibe and Nate, Frank & Rossi were both confirmed as the number one shows in their respective slots, for the third time in a row! So if you ever find yourself feeling lonely on your drive to work, you know what station to tune into…
These numbers also mean that Vibe FM is in pretty much the perfect position to publicise such an important message.
Ultimately, it’s only when road safety is taken seriously that the number of traffic-related accidents and deaths can be reduced.
So next time you feel like a ‘loser’ for being your group’s designated driver, keep in mind that you might be saving a life!