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Why Every Maltese Company Needs A Workplace Wellness Policy (And How To Craft One)

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Does your work environment support your mental health? Do you often find yourself unable to cope with massive workloads which often make you want to just give up? Are you worried about your own wellbeing and that of some of your colleagues?

Well, you’re not alone. At workplaces around Malta, mental wellness is finally and thankfully becoming a topic of conversation.

If you are a business owner, HR professional or just a concerned employee, here is a starter guide to help you make tangible progress towards creating a better environment at your workplace.

One of the key steps you can take is to draft a robust mental wellness policy: a set of guidelines and procedures the organisation can adopt to promote mental health and wellbeing among its employees.

This is an urgent need at most businesses because it is their responsibility to ensure that employees have the support and resources they need.

1. What is a Workplace Wellness Policy?

At its core, a workplace wellness policy is more than just a document. It’s a commitment, a promise that an organisation makes to its employees.

It ensures that the mental and physical well-being of every staff member is prioritised, creating an environment in which individuals can thrive, not just survive.

2. Why prioritise mental wellness?

One reason is that mental health issues, if left unaddressed, can significantly impact an employee’s ability to perform their tasks efficiently.

Stress, anxiety, and burnout can lead to decreased concentration, frequent absenteeism, and a decline in overall job satisfaction. By implementing a mental wellness policy, organisations can provide a framework for early identification, support, and management of such issues.

This not only ensures that employees remain productive but also fosters a sense of belonging and satisfaction at the workplace.

3. Do employees care enough about it?

In today’s competitive job market, the best talent is not attracted only by high salaries or impressive job titles. They are also looking for workplaces that prioritise their well-being.

A robust mental wellness policy signals to both current and potential employees that the organisation values their mental health. This can significantly enhance the company’s reputation as an employer of choice and play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining top talent.

Moreover, it demonstrates a proactive approach to employee welfare, setting the organisation apart from its competitors on various fronts.

4. Ok, how do I get started?

If the idea of drafting a wellness policy appears daunting, fear not. The upcoming “Hygeia: A Conference on Mental Wellness” is here to guide you.

Among a range of interesting sessions, one will deal specifically with the drafting of mental wellness policy at your workplace. Led by Dr. Ann Bugeja, senior associate at GVZH Advocates, this workshop promises to be a great help to companies navigating towards workplace wellness.

That’s not all. Hygeia promises to bring a host of local and international experts to kickstart your wellness mission.

Talks include a keynote speech by hostage negotiator Martin Richards, participation of podcasters Jon Mallia and David ‘OZ’ Borg and a wide range of health experts in a host of discussions and workshops.

Hygeia: A Conference on Mental Wellness at the Workplace, is the second annual conference being organised by Working Town, and this year co- organised by Up Your Level, Healthmark and We Connect.

The event is also being sponsored by GVZH, Enemed, Zero Bubble, Iris Thaumas, Garnish and PKF.

Early bird tickets can be bought until Sunday 16th September from the website.

And to foster more participation by the public, the event will come to a close with a session that is open to non-ticket holders.

Would you like to have your say on mental wellness at the workplace? Fill in this short survey here.


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