Watch: ‘Give Us Our Marks’- MCAST Paola Students Stage Peaceful Protest Against MUT Directive

Earlier today, MCAST Paola students staged a peaceful protest as a reaction to their November exam marks not being published as part of an ongoing trade dispute.
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A video sent to Lovin Malta shows several students gathered in front of the canteen at MCAST Paola chanting “give us our marks”.
Despite the efforts of student representatives, the MCAST management informed students yesterday that the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) would not be removing the directive.
The protest at MCAST was held both in solidarity with the teachers’ demands for better working conditions, as well as an expression of the students’ dissatisfaction at the institute’s reluctance to publish their grades.
Meanwhile the MCAST in Mosta also held another protest in solidarity with their lecturers, calling for a compromise between the Government and the Union.
The timing of this industrial action has put MCAST students in a precarious position where they have to face the possibility of not receiving results from exams they sat for in November, as well as the potential cancellation or postponement of their February resits.
Were you present for the protest?