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Watch: PN Pulls Up To Parliament With A Pallet Full Of ‘Drugs’ To Highlight Heist’s True Scale

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PN has taken to outside Parliament in Valletta to hold a press conference led by shadow-ministers Albert Buttigieg and Graziella Attard Previ about the 226kg of cannabis resin that was stolen from the custody of the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) last Sunday.

“We tried to show an example of what 200kg of cannabis looks like, because in reality, we aren’t talking about fireworks or cigarettes, but this quantity of drugs that some people stole quietly in the night without anyone telling them anything. The fact that some of the thieves were caught, doesn’t take away from the fact that 200kg of drugs were stolen from the most secure place in the country.” began Albert Buttigieg.

“How can Robert Abela go in front of the population and declare full trust for the Minister for Security… How can it be that that large amount of drugs was stolen and no one realised? And above all, how can it be that no one is held responsible for this?”

The Nationalist Party reiterated that the position of Byron Camilleri as Minister of Security is definitely not tenable, with the place the drugs were stolen from being under the direct responsibility of Camilleri. 


Shadow ministers Buttigieg and Attard Previ stated that to continue to save his skin, Robert Abela is saying that he has confidence in Camilleri and forced all his friends to do the same.

“Nobody and nothing is reassuring the Maltese people that their security is not threatened. Just as the Maltese people were not reassured yesterday by the Commissioner of Police who continued to refuse to tell us who the arrested persons are, if the drugs were guarded and how they were stolen.” PN wrote on Facebook

“Byron Camilleri has to leave. If he does not do this, we will continue to confirm that the Abela Government is one piece with the criminals,” They continued.

Do you agree with PN’s stance on the matter and the call for Byron Camilleri’s resignation?

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John is studying digital art at UM, a creative who's medium isn't limited to just visual, but is interested in writing, be it journalistic or poetry and stories. After a long day you'll likely find him enjoying nature's grass

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