EXCLUSIVE: Farewell Old Friend – New York Best Is Closing Its Doors In Msida And University

The end of an era for Maltese foodies is here. A couple of months after closing its doors in Paceville, New York Best is gearing up to close its Msida and University outlets.
With Nicholas and his father at the helm, the Diacono family is now turning their undivided attention to the recently-revamped bistro in Sliema.
Health-centric eeetwell is set to take NYB’s place opposite the two educational institutions
Making it their mission to help people “take care of their body and their wellbeing by offering the healthiest of recipes whilst using the freshest ingredients on the market”, eeetwell has been enjoying its own foodie revolution.
Offering delivery service straight to people’s homes and offices, the healthy restaurant already has branches in St. Julian’s, Gżira and Valletta.

New York Best exploded on the foodie scene when they first opened their doors back in 2011, becoming the first in a long line of fast food eateries using high-quality ingredients rather than the pre-frozen products that came before them.
“When we first started, we were the only ones doing good quality burgers,” Nicholas explained to Lovin Malta. “We loved the adventure, but we’ve grown tired of just cooking burgers.”
Kebab Ji, one of Malta’s most beloved Lebanese joints, already took over the New York Best outlet in the heart of Paceville earlier this year.
New York Best’s new Sliema bistro is the final glorious place where you can satisfy your NYB burger cravings
You can still get your hands on classics like the New Orleans Burger and NYB’s slow-rise dough pizzas, which have kept their place on the new menu.
New York Best have kept their Italo-American flair at their bistro, celebrating the cuisine with a more refined and mature sensibility.
“We want to put all our energy in the bistro, focus on producing the best quality food, and develop the brand into something that better reflects who were are today,” Diacono continued. “We were so much younger when we first opened, I guess we just grew up over the years.”
“We’re moving on to bigger and better things,” he continued.

New York Best Bistro in Sliema