The People Have Spoken: This Is The Best Place To Get Pastizzi

This just in: Maltese people feel very strongly about pastizzi.
Last week we asked you where your favourite place to pick up a pastizz is, and these are the results:
1. 47.4% … Serkin!
Hardly surprising, particularly when you consider the outrage at their would-be closing. Luckily the pastizzi are still very much a staple, and the hoards of people who visit every night will ensure it stays that way.

2. 19.9% … Maxims!
A good, ol’ classic that is loved for more than just its pastizzi. Those pies, that pizza – there is nothing not to love about their artery clogging goodness.

3. 12.8% … Sphinx!
4. 11.2% … Other!
That’s right – a substantial portion of our voters were not amused with the lack of their fave, chose ‘other’ and wrote to us explaining why we were completely wrong to leave it out.
This list was quite interesting to read, and we’ll be doing a quick follow-up based on these results soon – so stay tuned loyal pastizzi fans!
5. The rest:
4.9% Champs
2% McSims
1.8% Queens
In the interest of democracy, the poll will remain open and can be filled in here. The results above were taken on November 21st 2016, at 15:30.