7 Devilishly Simple Ways To Beat An Intense Maltese Heatwave

Just in case those high 30s are fogging up your brain and you don’t know where to start
Not long ago, thousands of Maltese online forums and statuses were inundated by people complaining about the cold, the strong wind and stormy weather hitting the islands. Fast forward to this week, though, and things are looking very different.
In the sweltering hot weather, slapping yourself with sunscreen and a floppy hat might not be enough to stop you from becoming a sweaty mess. And unfortunately, picked ACs don’t quite exist yet. So instead, here are seven very simple ways to beat the Maltese heat… because sometimes, the answer’s just staring right at you.
1. Channel your inner vampire and avoid the sun as much as possible
Well, duh, but hear me out.
Yes, we know you can’t just stay at home all the time, but if you don’t have anything urgent, why do you want to head out with a crazy hot spotlight on you all the time?
We’re not told to avoid the outdoors between 11am and 3pm in summer for nothing, you know.
2. Keep those blinds and curtains down
Trust me, you wouldn’t want to have that hot air coming in your apartment in the day time. Keep it shady.
3. Go on that night walk you’ve been meaning to take
Maltese people can’t just sit at home all day with our blinds down (unless we can peak out and spy on our neighbours, that is). We love going out and taking a stroll, but how do we do that now?
We suggest taking those walks when the sun goes down and the cool breeze kicks in. That way, you’ll be getting your exercise in, taking in the great outdoors and enjoying that nice summer night breeze. Win, win and win.
4. Hydrate yourself 24/7
One of the most overlooked but important points on this list. Don’t forget to stock your body up with H2O!
5. Don’t. Touch. Me.
Everybody is sweating and you really don’t want anyone rubbing against you. Totally not cool. Good luck on your next elevator trip.
6. Go light on the heavy foods
We all know that fruits like watermelon and berries will help you stay healthy and hydrated (which is why they feature in 99% of all Maltese BBQs and picnics), but they also have an extra edge when it comes to giving you much-needed vitamins and antioxidants.
When it comes to heavy meats, big plates of soup and fried food, these monstrosities are only going to make you feel worse come a heatwave. Yes, really.
7. Use the Mediterranean
So you know how your instinctive reaction to cooling off is usually taking a shower? Well, what if I told you actually lived on an island where very cool water is always just waiting for you in the gallons a mere couple of minutes away?
Yep; when in doubt; just head to the sea! Dive in, cool off and wait out this heatwave until the next one.
Good news – this heatwave is temporary but still, if these things help, why not try them? Tag someone who definitely should