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7 Things To Get Used To When You Return To Malta After An Erasmus Experience

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Many consider their Erasmus Student Exchange experience to be one of the most memorable of their lives – and with good reason. From finally getting a taste of independent living to making friends from all over the world, there’s no way spending a semester abroad won’t broaden your horizons. The only downside to this? Coming back.

So here’s a breakdown of what’s gonna need getting used to (all over again) once you’re back on the rock.

1. Your morning commute

Peaceful, tree-lined walks to the campus are promptly replaced by never-ending traffic jams and the sound of Mary Spiteri’s Little Child blasting from a nearby Ford Escort. As the driver in front of you runs a red light, you hear some angry pedestrians letting loose a litany of our characteristically impressive insults.

Ara fejn sejjer muntun!

2. Your parents

Gone are the days of getting home at 5am without having to explain to your parents why there’s a colourful trail of puke from the front door to your bedroom. So much for being a responsible adult.

Fejn sejjer? Ma’ min ħa tkun? Mort quddies il-Ħadd?

3. Your sleeping schedule

You’ve run a half-marathon, finished a pending assignment, and worked a double shift… but your body still doesn’t think it’s time to sleep.

As you start to regret those endless nights at the club, your ASMR playlist comes to an abrupt end and you’re left with nothing but a disgustingly warm pillow.

Hey, how are you? Welcome to my channel.

4. Your friends

You’ve forgotten what it means to spend a night in completely sober. The closest you’ll get to re-living one of your ‘mad nights with the lads’ any time soon is sipping a warm Cisk while seated on your single bed, accompanied by the stuffed Winnie The Pooh your aunt got you when you were six.

PV this Friday bro?
Sorry I have exams man

5. Your diet

After countless packets of microwaveable rice and enough empty noodle pots to start a garden, you’re pretty sure your sodium intake for the next decade is sorted.

As you take your first spoonful of mum’s minestra, your digestive organs collectively breathe a sigh of relief as they eulogise over their first taste of real food in months.

Bro, I’ll buy you a drink if you cook two-minute rice in 90 seconds.

6. Your laundry routine

What’s that on your bed?! Your sleep paralysis demon? The neighbour’s rabies-ridden cat? It might as well be – why, it’s a pile of fresh, neatly folded laundry!

It’s been so long since your wardrobe’s looked presentable that you’re seriously considering nominating this stack of clean t-shirts to be the 8th Wonder of the World.

Ma kellekx għalfejn, imma thanks Ma.

7. Your relationship with alcohol

Waking up NOT hungover? That’s new.

You never thought you’d get out of bed feeling refreshed ever again. Despite this, you know you’d give anything to split a six-pack of warm beer with your roommates for breakfast just one more time.

I think I just unlocked my third eye.

Tag a friend who won’t stop talking about their Erasmus experience

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