Fat Louie’s To Host Business Talk

Malta’s newest smokehouse Fat Louie’s will host a discussion next week on how passion drives good business, featuring some of the island’s top startup owners.

The discussion will take place at 5.30pm on Wednesday 15th February and is titled: ‘When Money’s Not The Point’. It is being held as part of a series of mini talks being organised by TEDxUniversityofMalta and Lovin Malta in the run up to the big annual conference in April.
Featuring eCABS owner Matthew Bezzina, New York Best founder Tommy Diacono and architect Sandro Valentino, the discussion will be moderated by Lovin Malta CEO Chris Peregin.
Tickets are very limited and can be bought for €7 from KSU (University Students’ Council) headquarters at University of Malta.
For more information contact: 79471672