WATCH: Taken Aback By National Support, Adrian Zammit Introduces Live Show’s Newest Animal Protagonist

Hours after the heartbreaking news that his beloved dog Goffy had passed away, Adrian Zammit has taken to Facebook to thank the nation for the overwhelming support… and even introduce the latest protagonist of his popular Facebook Live show.
“This is like a small press conference to assure you all that I’m OK,” Zammit started in the quick 12-minute video announcement. “We had Goffy’s loss… but someone like me who needs to cheer people up can’t not laugh and smile. My interest is what you feel.”
Zammit went on to open up about the beloved bulldog, which just died of cancer at 15 years of age.
“We knew this day would come,” he said. “She was 15 years old and sick. Doctors gave her a month, and we were lucky that she lived for even longer.”
“She lived a happy life, and she kept fighting till her very last day.”
“Every day, just before the show, she’d start crying to get on the chair,” Zammit reminisced, saying Goffy taught him a thing or two about resilience.

Goffy might not have been on today's show... but Fido was still there, energetic as ever
The social media breakout star went on to say just how taken aback he was with the sheer amount of support he’d received… from his neighbour who started crying, to Members of Parliament and officers of the Police Force.
“They even offered to donate another dog… but we already have a new member to the family,” Adrian said, before going on to unveil the latest star of his Facebook show.
Going offscreen to fetch the new member as an excited Fido fidgets around, Adrian returned with the show’s latest protagonist: Fonzu l-Fenek.
A small and still quite nervous guinea pig, Fonzu got his first airtime as Adrian tried to keep an overly excited Fido at bay.
“This way, we can tell our children that this is Goffy, but she just got a little smaller,” Adrian smiled, saying the show’s youngest fans wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

An excited Fido could barely keep his eyes off his new onscreen brother
“I’ll see you all tomorrow,” the Marsa influencer promised, keeping a brave face and reminding his thousands of viewers that, no matter what, the show must go on and that problems need to be tackled head-on, and not cowered against.
“It’s the strong, it’s the strong, it’s the strong,” he smiled, before logging off for the day.