Mosta Shopping Strip? PA To Decide On New Supermarket Project Near Lidl Today

Just three days before the election, Malta’s Planning Authority is scheduled to make a decision on the new supermarket which is being proposed next to LIDL in Mosta.
The proposed development, filed by Peprina Ltd, is set to incorporate the archaeological remains of the area within the parking lot of the supermarket, which will be uncovered following the demolition of the existing building, Josmar Complex.
The development application plans to change the use of the Class 6A warehouse to a supermarket at the ground floor, while also proposing a change in layout and size of the basement levels -1 and -2, following the discovery of archaeological features with a different that approved in a previous permit.
It also plans to sanction excavation as part of the site, also including 74 parking spaces on each basement level as well as 18 parking spaces at street level.

Site location
Christian James Gatt and Nathalie Gatt are the applicants behind this development, on behalf of Peprina Ltd, with the total site area amounting to 3,202 square metres, situated Outside the Development Zone (ODZ).
The proposed development is only just 60 metres away from the already existing supermarket of Lidl Mosta, and developers have faced issues within the area before due to the presence of archaeological remains such as cart ruts and catacombs.
The development will also result in the uprooting of 22 trees, including two indigenous Maltese Aleppo Pine trees, which, according to the Environment & Resources Authority, were nearly eradicated in the 20th century and are currently protected species.
The site in question lies within an area of considerable archaeological sensitivity, as evidenced by the extensive archaeological remains discovered in the Tal-Qares area, immediately to the west of the proposed development.
The Archaeological Society of Malta had also previously objected to the project back in 2020 when the application originally surfaced.
The Planning Authority’s Case Officer report had recommended the approval of the development application.
Do you think this application should be refused?