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PN Joins Marsaxlokk Residents In Calls To Leave Primary School Garden As It Is

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The Nationalist Party has joined in the calls of Marsaxlokk residents and parents over the proposed development of a new Civic Centre set to replace a part of St. Thomas More Primary School’s garden.

“We need to protect green public spaces, not develop them. The PN is behind the residents of Marsaxlokk, and an alternate location needs to be found for the new civic centre,” PN spokesperson Peter Agius said. 

This was said in a press conference held earlier today together with candidate and councillor Janice Chetcuti, in front of the school in question.

“As it is, children and teachers of the Marsaxlokk primary school have been lucky enough to enjoy the gardens that come with this school,” he said.

“Instead it’s now being proposed to destroy a large portion of these gardens, along with the 40 trees that can be found within it, and all the soil that would be lost in the process, to be replaced by three-storeys of concrete and bricks.”

Agius urged that public green spaces need to be increased within the community, and not build up the little that we already have.

Making reference to the need for a better environment for generations to come, Chetcuti questioned what message will be passed on if green spaces are lost in this manner.

“What example are we giving children if instead of taking care of our green spaces, we destroy trees to be replaced by buildings?” Chetcuti said. 

The proposed development includes the shifting of existing mature trees to make space for a community centre, offices to be used by the Local Council, a public library, and a public hall, as well as take-up of a large portion of the school’s garden.

The plans have angered nearby residents as well as the families of schoolchildren, with residents already putting up banners protesting against it as questions are raised over the future of the school.

Birdlife Malta and Alan Deidun have also publically taken a stance against the development.

The representations period for this proposed development is open until 3rd January 2022, with around 100 objections already made.

Do you agree with the PN? 

READ NEXT: Restorative Justice Programme Launched In Malta To Help Youths Choose Reconciliation Over Retribution 

Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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