Residents Have Had Enough Of An Arterial Mosta Road That Has Been Closed For Over A Year

Residents of Mosta, and by extension anyone that ever needed to use Triq il-Kbira are fed up with the major arterial Mosta road being closed for over a year now.
Triq il-Kbira, one of the principal roads where people can enter Mosta, was closed for the first time back in November 2020, having been opened again in December.
Then, it was closed entirely in March 2021, and it has not been opened for traffic again since. This has caused a major inconvenience, both for residents and also for anyone commuting in the centre of Malta.
Lovin Malta has received various complaints about the road, both from residents in the area, as well as business owners who have faced various struggles with their establishments.
“This is an offence to residents,” one family that lives on the street told Lovin Malta.
“My family and I struggle with allergies, particularly when it comes to dust particles in the air. When they initially started digging the road, it was a tremendously difficult ordeal for us, we couldn’t even hang our clothes,” one family member recounted.

Aerial view of Triq il-Kbira
“It has become such a hilarious ordeal that people who live in other localities in Malta ask us, the residents, about when this road is going to be finished,” she said.
“This was a principal road to enter into Mosta, many people used to make use of it,” she stressed.
A business owner that spoke to the newsroom also detailed the extent of the works, and the number of times they have caused great inconveniences, even including flooding.
“It was reclosed in March 2021. And it had taken all the way through September to get to the corner of Hope Street,” a business owner told the newsroom.
“Works then stopped for a few weeks and restarted from Hope Street towards Triq il-Kurat Bezzina, which is about 60m long an ordeal that took all the way to the new year,” they explained.
“During these works, we were flooded a few times, particularly in November since there aren’t any water culverts and the water had nowhere to go, it just went up into houses and resulted in thousands of euros in damages,” they said.

Flooding experienced during road works
“By mid-February, the works had moved on past the City Bar, and it gotten quiet on our side of the street, by this point we knew that the only work left was the final surface that would be a day’s or two of work which would not be disruptive,” they expressed.
“Then out of the blue on 9th May at 7am, a few trucks and jackhammers turned up and started taking up the pavement, causing damage to the new sewage drains and water pipes that had just been laid a few weeks back,” they outlined.
“When we confronted the contractor about the works we were told that these were new orders from the new Mayor,” they said.
“This causes loss of business with pneumatic hammers working by old houses – and again most businesses are not speaking up because they are scared to,” they said.
Lovin Malta also reached out to Infrastructure Malta for a statement on the matter, but no response was given at the time of publishing.
Have you experienced inconveniences because of this road?