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A Vision For Sustainable Mobility: Rota Presents Proposals Ahead Of Election

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Rota, which is an environmental NGO focused on cycling advocacy, has presented a set of proposals ahead of the upcoming general election.

The 17 proposals brought forward all aim to be in line with a vision for sustainable mobility, one that Malta’s infrastructure is in dire need of.

“Through these ideas, we want to encourage political parties to truly prioritise sustainable mobility. The bicycle should not just be an afterthought in the planning and infrastructure of the island,” Rota representative Daniel Vella told Lovin Malta. 

For those that are not familiar with Rota, it is an eNGO dedicated to advocating for bicycle users, pushing onto the government to ensure obligations with regards to infrastructure are enforced, as well as providing solutions to guide their efforts in ensuring proper infrastructure for cyclists.

“Bicycles provide us with one of the cleanest, and most efficient modes of transport while benefiting the user’s physical and mental wellbeing.”

“On such a small island, where the average commute is only a few kilometres, we want to see the bicycle being seriously considered as one of the main modes of transport,” he said.

So what is Rota proposing?

1. Commuting by bicycle: Rota proposes that a new government sets an overarching target to have at least 10% of all commutes be by bicycle within the next legislature.

2. Legally protecting bicycle users and pedestrians: Presumed Liability for motor vehicle users would entail the reversal of the burden of proof on motorcyclists or car drivers, as the case may be, in the event of an accident involving a cyclist.

3. Insurance cover for bicycle users: Rota also proposes the introduction of government-funded personal and vehicular insurance for bicycle users.

4. Incentivising sustainable transport: The fourth proposal is that of incentivising sustainable transport use, to encourage more people to make use of them, with the NGO also applauding the existing fiscal incentives such as grants and tax exemptions.

5. Lighting and CCTV cameras to increase safety: Rota proposes the installation of more artificial lighting in popular bike routes, as well as the introduction of CCTV cameras in areas that are considered more dangerous.

6. Narrower car lanes: Rota recommends that lane width should directly reflect the speed limits put in place across all the road networks.

7. Separated sustainable infrastructure in main roads: Rota proposes a bicycle network, created to cater for sustainable road users, that connects locations of interest to each other and provide a safe route throughout the islands. This includes segregated infrastructure where necessary.

8. Better and more regular bike racks: Sheffield Bicycle racks should always be installed, in favour of any other options, as these have been proved to be the most effective bicycle locking structures.

9. The adoption of suitable design standards: Rota proposes the adoption of a national cycling policy that incorporates national design standards of safe cycling, as outlined by the European Union and the European Cyclist Federation. The CROW Design Manual for Bicycle Traffic should also be referenced for designing the suitable infrastructure.

10. Contraflow exemptions for cyclists: Contraflows are very common in mainland Europe, they improve permeability through the road network, cut down tailgating, and avoid unnecessary hills, junctions and main roads.

11. Respecting sustainable transport infrastructure: Rota is proposing stricter enforcement and harsher penalties for such actions, and regular maintenance and upkeep of cycling and pedestrian infrastructure.

12. Safer residential roads: To increase the safety of residential roads, Rota recommends road dieting, prioritisation of pedestrian areas, and street-level crossings.

13. Use of country/rural roads: Rota proposes that country lane usage should be significantly limited for motor vehicles, allowing only residents or farmers to make use of them, to ensure safety for cyclists.

14. Encouraging multi-modality: For those wishing to make use of both their bikes and the bus, Rota is proposing two measures: the installation of Sheffield bike racks at main bus stops and stations, as well as some buses on main bus corridors and routes having the ability to take a number of bicycles onboard or through the installation of exterior racks.

15. More pedestrianisation: Rota proposes that pedestrians are given priority in these areas and whenever possible these areas should be pedestrianised.

16. A safe cycle network: It’s being recommended that all new infrastructure projects consider the connectivity of cycleways, and pedestrian infrastructure with nearby roads, alleyways, pavements and so on. Moreover, existing infrastructure should be reviewed and improved accordingly, with a short to medium-term plan for sustainable transport infrastructure upgrade.

17. Consulting civil society & citizens: Rota emphasises that relevant authorities adhere to legislation and first go through a period of consultation before new infrastructure projects are implemented.

View the full Rota Election Proposals here

What do you make of these proposals for better cycling in Malta? 

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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